Royal visit marks milestone in hydrogen value chain
Royal visit marks milestone in hydrogen value chain

Evos proudly hosted His Majesty King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands and His Majesty King Felipe of Spain today at its Amsterdam terminal, marking a significant moment in the advancement of the hydrogen value chain.

Hydrogen Corridor Initiative


Last year, a pivotal Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed in Bilbao, uniting key stakeholders including the Port of Bilbao, Petronor, EVE, the Port of Amsterdam, SkyNRG, Sunoco, and Evos. This landmark agreement solidifies the collective determination to establish a robust supply chain for green hydrogen spanning from the port of Bilbao to Amsterdam.


Addressing the anticipated surge in hydrogen demand from hard-to-abate sectors across Northwest Europe, it’s evident that local production alone won’t suffice. The envisaged green corridor connecting Spain and the Netherlands is poised to meet a significant portion of this demand. Leveraging the synergies and expertise of all partners, concerted efforts are underway to materialize this ambitious vision, underscoring the pivotal role of partnerships in driving the energy transition forward.

Developing Hydrogen Import Infrastructure


The envisioned corridor will facilitate various hydrogen vectors, including Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHC). Collaborating closely with international and local stakeholders, Evos is actively exploring opportunities to leverage its existing infrastructure in Amsterdam for storing, transshipment, and dehydrogenation of diverse LOHC types. Notably, LOHC’s safety, ease of transport, and competitive costs make them a compelling choice. The process involves transporting LOHC+ (with hydrogen) to Amsterdam, while LOHC- (without hydrogen) is returned to Spain for reuse, ensuring optimal resource utilization.

For Evos and its Amsterdam terminal, this signifies an integration of existing infrastructure with a state-of-the-art LOHC dehydrogenation plant. With an envisaged ultimate capacity of up to 200,000 tons of hydrogen per annum, the first phase targeting 50,000 tons is poised to be operational by the end of the decade, subject to demand confirmation.

European Cooperation & Partnership


As the vision for a safe and efficient hydrogen supply chain between Spain and the Netherlands takes shape, collaboration and innovation remain paramount. Evos, alongside the Port of Amsterdam and other signatories of the MoU, stands ready to deploy its extensive network, expertise, and facilities to effectively match supply with demand. Furthermore, Evos’ terminal in Algeciras, Spain, is primed to play a pivotal role in sustainably storing, handling, and facilitating the export of green hydrogen via LOHC carriers. This not only advances the energy transition agenda but also bolsters Europe’s energy independence by fostering self-sufficiency in cleaner fuels.