Our HSSEQ policy, our commitment
July 2020

At Evos we ensure a seamless supply chain, unlock opportunities for our customers and offer reliable and responsible storage, production, handling and related logistic services for crucial energy and chemical products. In doing so we create business flow.

We build strong and lasting relationships with our stakeholders, respond proactively to changing needs and deliver flexible and sustainable solutions. We strive to continuously improve our performance, prevent pollution and work-related injuries and ill health consequences. We are committed to causing zero harm to the business, the environment and people.


People are our greatest assets. We provide safe and healthy working conditions and are committed to fulfill legal and other HSSEQ requirements. It is our goal to preserve and promote the health of everyone present at our terminals at all times. Everyone is responsible and called upon to recognize and contribute to healthy conditions and H to protect our colleagues, customers, contractors, suppliers and all involved.



We are committed to eliminate hazards and to reduce and manage risks. We have a structured risk-based process in place for the identification, classification, prioritization and control of hazards and risks. We consult and seek participation of our employees and representative bodies to discuss and secure safe working conditions. If needed, we exceed existing rules and regulations and, as a responsible partner, encourage others to follow this example. It is our goal to continuously improve process safety and occupational safety at our terminals.


Our terminals are located at the borders of the European Union and considered critical infrastructure for the supply chain. To protect our infrastructure and all people involved security plans have been implemented and the boundaries of the terminal are monitored and protected.


We promote sustainability in all we do contributing to a sustainable society, minimizing the impact of our activities on people and environment. We minimize the potential consequences for the environment in case of an incident and we reduce the ecological footprint resulting from our activities and activities which can be controlled and influenced by us. It’s our ambition to reach Climate Neutrality for our direct and indirect emissions (i.e. scope 1 and 2). Contributing to a clean and healthy environment is the goal of all Evos employees and we support our customers to seize opportunities in the transition to cleaner products and more renewable energy resources.


As Evos we maintain a documented Quality Management System to review and improve our procedural framework. We regularly monitor and analyze our HSSEQ performances. We carry out internal and external reviews and follow up on actions until they are fully implemented. Process improvements are accompanied by trainings to ensure the effectiveness and quality of our services. We build strong and lasting relationships with our stakeholders. We collaborate in meaningful and responsible ways with customers and other stakeholders over time, providing our know-how and practices to reach further together. We deliver flexible and sustainable solutions, proactively and swiftly responding to changing needs and expectations.


Evos Management, all Evos employees and Evos representatives are committed to implementing this policy and strategic orientation.

Let's evolve together!


Representing all, on behalf of Evos: Arjan Donatz, Operations Manager




This policy is approved by the Evos Executive Committee and Supervisory Board